
Cleopatra Lorintiu published  her first reports during the primary court of the school, in the magazines for the children “Cutezatorii” and “Luminita”.

She receives the national price for the report on the life of the foresters of the Mounts of Rodna (with the report Varda, 1972).

Reports  in the newspaper “Ecoul” (1974-1975).

It starts has to publish reports regularly, in the literary magazine “Luceafarul” supported by the writers Nicolae Dan Fruntelata, Sanzaiana Pop, Iulian Neacsu and Mihai Ungheanu.
Its topics of predilections are on Transylvania, the literary chronicles and the notebooks of voyages.

She published a series of popularization on IT   in the review “Start spre viitor” and alsothe articles on cultural events in” Munca “, “Actualitées Roumaines ”, “Viata studenteasca”, “Informatia Bucurestiului” and ” Tribuna Romaniei”.

It is in 1982 that she starts with the assistance of the journalist Ion Cristoiu, who represented at the time a true support for many young  reporters and journalists, to frequently publish.

This one  offers to her the weekly chronicle of television in the daily newspaper “Scanteia tineretului” and after broad spaces in cultural Suplement SLAST.also, book reviews.

Among the weekly headings of the Eighties she wrote on the exposures of visual art, films, the plays, the ballet, the classical music in “The small anthology of the young artists”, “Biography of a chief of work”, and “Coteries” heading in which she accommodated many young people poets by encouraging them.

It is in the prestigious magazine Cinema, directed by Ecaterina Oproiu . She  publish regularly the chronics  on the Romanian and international cinema.

She signs in “Luceafarul” (Morning Star) the chronicle of radio, TV, of the reports and many notes.

The travel notes  are diffused in a weekly  radio broadcast , Méridien Club on the   National Broadcast  (thanks to the writer Noe Smirnov) until 1987 when the communist system of censure limits in a severe way her collaborations.

She wrote about the music and musicians , but music is a leit motiv even in the poetry:
Anxious-waiting./Bocherini’s minuets/in the speakers of the fish-market./Little speech/neither complete nor curtailed./Annoying restraint./ A small pile of pile of nuts wasted thought the memory.//You are stuck among swamps now./A spring smashed under a smart/little boot. Inner Drawing”
For one three months period, during the year 1984, it replaces a colleague as a writer of weekly magazine SLAST.

The censure of the communist press expels it it will be able to work more in no drafting with the qualifier “of undesirable”.

After the fall of Communism she’s editor in the redaction  of the first newspaper created, the Morning (Dimineata) where she  leads the Section Culture and reports. (1990-1991).

In 1992 she became chief editor of a weekly magazine for the women, ANA and  writer for the review of international politics MONDORAMA of the National Agency of Rompres Information.

She  public  the articles in the daily newspaper “Cotidianul” which belonged at the time to Ion Ratiu and in “Casa  Lux”of  the writer andjournalist  Mariana Braescu , like in the review “Cultura nationala”.

Editor of the “Genius review “(Foundation for the exceptionally children, the president is the universitary  professor Iulian Cretu.) 2000.

End of 1992 she  begins the production of the emissions TV for Chanel 32 of Chicago Illinois the USA.

Travel’s notices published in“Cotidianul” newspaper about interesting experiences and interviews made in USA,China, Italy, Korea,Thailande ,Morocco,Greace, Belgium..

During the time 1996-2002 she will publish weekly articles,political analysis and comments, chronicles and interviewes in the newspaper “Ultima ora”(The last hour) (Director Ion Marin ).

Between 1998 and 2002 she becomes editor coordinator of a supplement of culture which it creates, in the drafting of the daily newspaper “Economistul” of which the director, Ioan Erhan, journalist and economist himself, has courage to propose to the public a new publication which joins together true forces of Romanian journalism.

It is in ECART  that she published the majority as of her  articles (1998-2002).She’s writing also for Newropeeans. (2007-2011),english/

See the page,english/


Since 2007 she published in the on line reviewes of Artur Silvestri like “L`étoile du Danube,”Luceafarul romanesc , Epoca .

In 2009 she became a collaboration with Vatra Veche, directed by Nicolae Baciut.(review published in Targu Mures)