Cleopatra Lorintiu published literary chronicles, on artistic movies, documentaries, visual arts, radio, TV and music in the following publications:
(Morning Star)
Melancholy of the literature, Maurice Blanchot, November 22, 1980.
The Brooklyn bridge ( “The Bridge” and” White Buildings”), about Franck O’Harra poems February 14, 1981
The poetry of essence on Sylvia Plath, “Ariel and others poems” 1980.
The world of painting , Jean Guichard-Meili, October 18, 1980.
The charm of the stamps on “dramatic Poems” of Chikamatsu Monzaemon, December 13, 1980.
Caribbean’s Poetry on “Reamed memory” February 28, 1981
The ambiguity of poetry, the poetry of ambiguity, on William Empson, July 25, 1980.
The dignity of the translation on “Unicorn in the looking glass” of Cezar Baltag,” Don Quijote’s’ S tender years” of Marin Sorescu ,” Unfinished work” of Nichita Stanescu, Corycian press, Iowa City, January 19, 1980.
Song on Romania, the Greek anthology of Andreas Rados, November 15, 1980.
Vocation of loneliness, (pseudonym Dana Laurentiu) on Cesare Pavese, September 19, 1981.
Scinteia tineretului :
Chronicles of television weekly magazine 1983-1985
Weekly chronicles on the visual art, the music, the ballet and the cinema. For the whole of the activity of criticism of art Cléopatra Lorintiu received “The price of the young journalists” for the criticism of art in 1984.
See page SLAST
Tribuna Romaniei
Amfiteatru “Intensity and authenticity” 1984 on the poetry of Ion Caraion.
Rumanian current events
“Simple history on Casablanca ” with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart and Deadline the USA director Richard Brooks.
With Humphrey Bogart, ED Begley, Paul Stewart, Ethel Barrymore, Kim Huntler, May 1987.
The ash of large the love on “My Rachel cousin” of Henry Kostner with Olivia de Havilland and Richard Burton, October 1987.
And yet, the heart… on “Summer and Smoke” of Peter Glenville with Laurence Harvey and Geraldine Page, 1987.
Dear doctor… on “The Ambulance” of Jiri Adamec, January 1987
Miscellanea :“Chitty, Chitty, bang, bang” and Michel York, July 1986.
The condition of the woman on “Jezebel” of William Wilder with Bette Davis, Henry Fonda, Donald Crisp, February 1987.
The enthusiasm of long road, on “The Mount Blanc” of Dan Necsulea, December 1987.
The grains of the dream on Giuliano Gemma and Alain Delon and “The man who brings the rain” of Joseph Anthony, 1987.
Music first of all… on “Wagner” with Richard Burton, Marthe Keller and Vanessa Redgrave, 1987.
“The night of the iguana” with Ava Gardner and Richard Burton, 1986.
The success of a kind on “One was five” of Richard Engel, 1987.
Heat wave, on Romanian film of Sergiu Nicolaescu and “Secret Conversation “of Francis Ford Coppola.
Life such as it is on Jenny Seagrove and the 39 steps of Hohn Buchan, 1987.
The proof of fire on director Dan Necsulea, January 1988.
“A crew for Singapore” and the actor Adrian Pintea, February 1988.
It is always the history which triumphs over “The Explosion” over Ioan Grigorescu and Mircea Dragan with Dem Radulescu and Florin Piersic, August 1988.
Incident at the border with Lino Ventura and Angie Dickinson de Claude Pinoteau, March 1988.
Happyend on Franco Nero, September 1988.
Theatre on Ibsen with Marcel Iures and Irina Petrescu, director Dan Necsulea, November 1988.
Female characters on “a light on the tenth floor” of Malvina Ursianu, June 1988.
Beyond the daily feelings on “Gaslight” of George Cukor with Ingrid Bergman.
Under the sign of the great actors over Jean Gabin and Simone Signoret, April 1988.
Chronics about Pierre Meyrand and Beata Tyskiewicz in “The love of Balzac”, 1988.
Memories on “Fun in Acapulco” of Richard Thorpe, 1988.
Aristocracy of the naivety on “Sorell and the son” 1984 of Derek Bennett, 1988.
Anna Pavlova , a film by Emil Loteanu 1986
The race for the triumph on “the Barns burned” with Simone Signoret and Alain Delon, December 1985.
Parents and children on film of Veaceslav Nikiforov, based on the work of Turgheniev, January 1986.
–“Things” on Douglas Michael, October 1985.
Softness towards the evilness one on “The principle of the Domino” with Jake Hackman, 1985.
Childish on “Ceddie” of Jack Goldavec Conie Booth, August 1985.
I telephoned to you to be convinced that you are real! on Romanian film and the directors Sergiu Nicolaescu, Gulea Stere, Dan Pita, Andrei Blaier, George Cornea, Malvina Ursianu, Francisc Munteanu, Nicolae Corjos in the Almanac Cinema of 1989.
Films of the summer on a film of Gregory Peek and Roger Moore September 1986.
The gifted ones on “Christophe Columbus” of Alberto Lattuada with Gabriel Byrne, September 1986.
A star ball on a film of Carol Reed and “the emigrant” with Alberto sordi and Cardinal Claudia, 1986.
A series of success: Wilhelm the conqueror co production directors Gilles Grangier and Sergiu Nicolaescu with Herve Beloon and George Mihaita, June 1986.
Witnesses on Charles Bronson, June 1986.
Within the framework of the comedy on “The life at the castle” of Jean Paul Rappeneau with Pierre Brewer, Philippe Noiret and Catherine Deneuve, April 1986.
Steaua( literary magazine from Cluj Napoca)
Review of the Union of the writers of Romania, published in Cluj Napoca.
The child and the book, May 1979.(critics)
Glance in the topicality, a third world of the literature October 30, 1986.
The literary almanach memorial Nicolae Labis
17 tests on the work of Nicolae Labis, 1988.
Cotidianul 1994
Ultima ora(1997-2000)
Economistul Ecart (1998-2002)
See the page ECART chronicle 1998-2002
Cafeneaua literara( 2009)
Vatra Veche(2009,2010)