Under the energetic pulse of King Mohammed VI, Morocco today easily combines great respect for its history and the strong political news, a smart and rewarding way to give the time: the Kingdom can meet the great challenges of the contemporary world.
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Le Royaume du Maroc ou la ‘’différence spécifique’’
An article of Cleopatra Lorinţiu abot the book of Viorella Manolache
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Voir l’Opinion sur le projet de la Nouvelle Constitution maroccaine;Juillet 2011
An interesting and innovative approach
The first quality of the book „Romanian-Moroccan Forms of Manifestation in the European Space”(coordinator Viorella Manolache) is the diversity. I could say, it’s a kind of puzzle : some speeches from an International Conference hosted by the Institute for Political Sciences and International Relations ( a project under the patronage of UNESCO European Federation for Associations Centers and Clubs and ALUMNUS Unesco Club , and three different sections(Clarifications and Conceptualizations Place vs.Place, Political forms of Manifestation in the European Space and Experiences and Artistic Experiments.)
The level of problematical articles is very different :There are simple notations or extensive studies with a level of conceptualization and even hermeneutics remarkable like „Terrorism and the Politicization of Religion” byMonaim El Azzouzi, or „Stages in the Romanian Moroccan Dossier” by Adina Burchiu, also many others.
Stable Morocco is the key to peace and stability in North Africa and a resilient U.S.-Moroccan relationship is vital to securing American interests in the region. With the war in Mali raging, political incertitude in Algeria rising and the proliferation of terror groups in the Sahel and Western Sahara intensifying, Morocco and the United State need to further their cooperation rather than “brawl” over marginal issues.With terrorism and weapons trafficking rampant in the Sahara and Sahel, and given Rabat geopolitical role in the region, Morocco will remain America’s most trusted ally and friend.A good relationship with France is in fact a historical relationship.
The privileged partnership of Morocco Kingdom with the Union European is also important for Morocco-Romanian collaboration.There are so many different approaches to address these issues.
The collection of contributions arrives to address a different audience.And it is a very good idea.
Each reader can find something interesting.The overriding idea is to gather a lot of information.
The Kingdom of Morocco always had the chance of a domestic and foreign policy wise and the book highlights this side so important.
I would like to point out some very interesting research like „ Hypostases de l’Orientalisme dans la peiture Roumanie Decouvrir le Maroc en images” by Valentin Trifesco, a real study on the contributions of the painter Ştefan Popescu or the study „The European Alecsandri and the (Ex)centric Morocco” by Gheorghe Manolache . The travel diary of our brilliant writer and diplomat,Vasile Alecsandri, is a source of valuable information and the professor notes „ Alecsandri’s journay memorial is much more unitary as far as the composition is concerned,and much more preoccupied with the marks of literariness,thus underlining,on the one hand,the liveliness of connoisseur of the occidental culture, a refined taster of a journey’s benefits,with an appetite for the exotic picturesque and for the sensational discoveries…”
There are some articles in French but most of the book is in English.
It’s the only thing I regret.Because Morocco is important in the large choir of the Francophonie.
Cleopatra Lorinţiu